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Bass Guitar

Microphone Position: Where the dust cap of the speaker meets the cone

Distance: About one foot away.

Additional Setup: We used a Vintage SVT Head and 8 x 4 cabinet. Our laser alignment was locked in for further microphone tests. Original guitar track was recorded with a Washburn XB-925 though an Anthony DeMaria Labs direct instrument preamp (ADL600) to Nuendo, then played back through a Radial XAmp for exact replication of dynamics and playing for every microphone test.

Our Comments: We felt that Lauten Audio's FC-357 Clarion was "creamiest" sounding of all the condensers we tested. Mojave Audio MA200 and MA300 both also gave us that desired creamy tone. The sE Electronics Voodoo VR2 ribbon microphone was punchy with a full low end. The Audix D6 with its built in V-curve gets rid of unwanted mids, doing much of the EQ work for you, before the signal even hits the preamp.