Microphone Position: Where the dust cap of the speaker meets the cone
Distance: About one foot away.
Additional Setup: We used 3 heads but one cabinet so we did not have to move the microphone. Each head was used for a different tone. Vox AC15HW1X Hand Wired for Clean, Fender Hot Rod Deluxe Limited Edition for Dirty, and Marshall JVM 205H for Distortion. Our laser alignment was locked in for further microphone tests. Original guitar track was recorded with a Gibson Standard though an Anthony DeMaria Labs direct instrument preamp (ADL600) to Nuendo, then played back through a Radial XAmp for exact replication of dynamics and playing for every microphone test.
Our Comments: We preferred the clean and clear sound of the Mojave Audio MA200. The Audix i5 was also a great sounding mic for this application. It is well balanced for clean electric guitar.